Monkeys, doves, goats – stories from the old days are glimpses from the past and they are quotes on this page.

Viktor Jansson’s (1886-1958) family lived at Lallukka for decades. Viktor was a significant sculptor and his wife, Signe Hammarsten-Jansson (1882-1970) was a graphic designer and illustrator who designed stamps published in Finland for thirty years. Their daughter Tove Jansson (1914-2001) became an artist and writer loved by Finns. The family had a guenon called Poppolino as a pet. It was allowed to move around freely at their home. Viktor Jansson took Poppolino with him to his trips. Sometimes the pet monkey run away and climbed on the roof of Lallukka. However, Viktor had his ways to bring the monkey. Viktor sat down on the street and started crying and Poppolino came back to console its owner.

Origin of the Artists’ Home Foundation
The 1908 testament specified that the entire estate of Juho and Maria Lallukka would be converted to cash upon the death of both spouses. After this the legacies, would be executed. When all of the legacies had been executed the remainder of the estate would be formed into a fund, which would accumulate and be used for the establishment and maintenance of an Artists’ Home in Helsinki.
The actual estate grew at the same time as the currency lost value, and therefore more than FIM 5 million (approx. 1,6 million euros as at 2015 valuation) remained for the Artist’s Home project. The executors of Juho Lallukka’s testament were bank manager Georg Sidorow and lawyer Otto Tanner, who were both close friends of the family. They interpreted that the benefactors had excluded writers from the Artists’ Home, since the testament included a separate legacy for the Book Association of Finland. In addition, the Association had already commenced its own project for a Writers’ House in 1910.
The President of the Republic of Finland, Lauri Kristian Relander validated the bylaws of the Foundation, which specify that the Artists’ Home be for the use of visual artists, musical artists and dramatic artists.
Home for professional artists
For the entire period of its operation, the Lallukka Artists’ Home Foundation has held on to the axiom that the Lallukka Artists’ Home is for professional artists. In the selection of resident artists, two equal applicants are evaluated also from the social perspective with respect to the idea of a refuge by the donators of the Artists’ Home. Many of the residents’ spouses are also significant artists.
Originally the aim was to assign apartments or workshops in the Artists’ Home on a temporary basis in a form of scholarships. However the Second World War and subsequent housing shortage made the implementation of this type of program impossible. The original allocation of the Artists’ Home reserved 20 rooms for visual artists and 25 rooms for other artists specified by the bylaws of the Foundation; there were three apartments for staff.
The current allocation of rooms is as follows:
- visual artists, approx. 2600 m², 26 ateliers
- dramatic artists, 1000 m², 16 apartments
- composers, singers and musicians, 1000 m², 14 apartments
- 56 artists’ residences in total
Sculptor Aarre Aaltonen (1889-1980) found a dove from the attic. The bird was in terrible shape. It had no feathers and it was hungry. Aaltonen nourished the bird and it became tame and stayed with the sculptor watching him working on his shoulder. The dove slept its nights on a sheepskin next to Aarre. If Aarre’s wife tried to come sleeping next to him, bird made her go away by pecking her.
Juho Lallukka was the fourth son raised in a small farmhouse on the isthmus of Räisälä parish, which neighbours the town of Käkisalmi in Carelia, the area Finland had to surrender to the Soviet Union during the Second World War.
Juho began his career as a shepherd boy, but he soon progressed to study shoemaking and he met his future wife during his travels. He continued to change occupations and worked as a shopboy, sales clerk, land seller and burgher before establishing a wholesale business in Vyborg. Juho was the Chairman of the Town Councils of Käkisalmi and later of Vyborg and in his final years he served as a Member of Parliament.
Juho, a successful businessman, participated enthusiastically in national activities that were popular at the time. As a Finnish nationalist he was centrally involved in the civilisation of the people. Juho was also a founder of the Youth Association, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Association of Rural Theatre and a patron of Finnish literature. Patron of the arts Juho Lallukka was appointed Commercial Counsellor by the Pamaus business society in Vyborg in 1908, when he was 56 years old.
Maria Lallukka, Juho’s spouse, was also born in the parish of Räisälä, where her parents Matti and Valpuri Jääskeläinen owned an inn. It was in the inn’s drying barn that Juho Lallukka, then a sales clerk in Käkisalmi, refurbished his first own store. Juho and Maria were married in 1878 and they did not have any children.
When Juho Lallukka passed away in 1913, his wife Maria became the manager of the wholesale business and she fulfilled this duty with skill. The business was so successful that in 1919 Maria decided to change her portion of the earlier testament
Maria Lallukka increased the number of legacies in the will by twenty. She also specified half of her wealth to the establishment of the Vyborg library, and therefore the city’s contribution to the library designed by Alvar Aalto was one-third.

Painter, professor Elias Muukka (1870-1958) lived at the Artists’ Home since the completion of the building until his death. He was a son of a peasant from Lemi and moved to Helsinki in 1870s to study art. When he left home he was given a goat that provided him milk.
An application for Lallukka’s Artists’ Home is informal and it should include two things, CV and one page motivational letter why an applicant would like to have an atelier o r an apartment from the Artists’ Home. You can apply by filling an application form here or via email: saatio(a)lallukkasaatio.net. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach the executive secretary Timo Turja, 050 3644 911 or saatio(a)lallukkasaatio.net.
Composer Aarre Merikanto (1893-1958) was one of the first residents at Lallukka Artists’ Home. For the composer quietness was important because it ensured him tranquility and ability to concentrate. When the building was ready Merikanto tested the quietness by shouting at the empty house. Nothing was heard. When artists moved to Lallukka, the reality was quite different. Merikanto wrote to his diary (loosely translated): “This is all hell, when prima donnas of all the world shout out their voices and tremolo like they have a theatre’s wind machine in their throats. “
Arantila Markku
Baumgartner Stig
Hanhijoki Marjatta
Juga Hanne
Jula Jari
Jämsä Arja
Kärki Ipi
Laaksonen Tero
Laine Lauri
Lavonen Kuutti
Markuksela Eero
Merenmies Elina
Mäntynen Tuomas
Ojala Antti
Paunila Marjukka
Rustanius Jaakko
Siren Päivi
Sunila Anne
Valpola Vaula
Vellonen Senja
Aalto Ilmari
Aarnio-Aaltonen Margit
Ahlgrén Lauri
Alanko Uuno
Annala Matti
Augustson Göran
Backmansson Hugo
Blomstedt Väinö
Boijer-Poijärvi Wille
Carlstedt Mikko
Cawén Alvar
Cederström Eva
Chuaqui Soledad
Collin Marcus
Dahlman Helge
Diehl Gösta
Ekelund Ragnar
Enckell Torger
Enroth Erik
Favén Antti
Gallen-Kallela Jorma
Gebhard Albert
Hakava Aale
Heinonen Mauri
Heiskanen Outi
Helenius Ester
Hervo Lyyli
Hervo Väinö
Hietanen Reino
Hurmerinta Olavi
Hämäläinen Väinö
Kaitala Janne
Koponen Erkki
Kulovesi Erkki
Kuusela Viktor
Kuusi Helmi
Lantto Pirkko
Laurén Per
Leskinen Saija
Lindforss Anton
Lindqvist Rurik
Lucander Anitra
Marttinen Veikko
Maunu Päivi
Melanen Pentti
Miettinen Olli
Mikkonen Aune
Munsterhjelm Ali
Muukka Elias
Muukka Yrjö
Mäkelä Jukka
Nelimarkka Eero
Nordström L-G
Nuoreva Marjatta
Nylund Ilmari
Oinonen Mikko
Oja Onni
Pääkkönen Markku
Rautasalo Kirsti
Sallinen Tyko
Salokivi Santeri
Sjöström Vilho
Somersalo Jaakko
Talja Soili
Thesleff Ellen
Toppelius Woldemar
Tuhka Aukusti
Valavuori Olavi
Vionoja Veikko
Visanti Lyyli
Visanti Matti
Vuori Antti
Vuori Ilmari
Wainio Urpo
Wirtanen Kaapo
Åström Werner
Cavén Kari
Hietanen Helena
Jämsä Aarne
Niemelä Jaakko
Nieminen Inka
Olin Johan
Song Aamu
Suntio Heimo
Toija Tommi
Aaltonen Aarre
Aiha Martti
Gyldén Eva
Harri Juhani
Hartman Mauno
Heino Raimo
Hiltunen Eila
Huhtamo Kari
Hyvärinen Helvi
Ilkka Elias
Jansson Viktor
Jauhiainen Oskari
Juva Kari
Kannosto Erkki
Kylänpää Hannele
Lahtinen-Tapper Marjo
Laukkanen Leo
Leppänen Lauri
Liipola Yrjö
Malmberg Viktor
Oittinen Mauno
Peltokangas Matti
Pullinen-Ramsay Laila
Pylkkänen Helena
Renvall Ben
Renvall Essi
Räsänen Eino
Sailo Alpo
Sailo Nina
Tapper Kain
Tirronen Armas
Tukiainen Aimo
Tynys Arvi
Utriainen Raimo
Vikainen Johan (Jussi)
Wilhelms Carl
Bäckström, Petri
Fredriksson Risto
Ichihashi Naoko
Jaakkola Leena
Kortekangas Olli
Kotka John
Lindgren Aale
Olli Kalevi
Pelo Matti
Peltonen Samuli
Pokela Eeva-Leena
Rahkonen Margit
Rantala Iiro
Takalo Arttu
Ahnger Alexandra
Aholainen Irja
Angervo Ari
Aro Usko
Aro-Välkki Anita
Bergman Erik
Bergström Matti
Bergström Pirjo
Bernhard-Granroth Kerttu
Bister Hannu
Bister Johanna
Ekman Ida
Ekman Karl
Englund Einar
Granfelt Hanna
Hannikainen Ilmari
Hellsten Elsa
Ignatius Anja
Ikonen Lauri
Jorma Bruno
Järnefelt Armas
Kajanus Robert
Kaski Heino
Klami Uuno
Koskimies Pentti
Kosonen Olavi
Kotilainen Otto
Kuula Alma
Kuusoja Maiju
Laamanen Seppo
Lev Lara
Linnala Eino
Linnala Lenni
Liukkonen-Seilo Helmi
Långholm Sylvelin
Madetoja Leevi
Merikanto Aarre
Mikkilä Timo
Niemelä Tii
Palmgren Minna
Palmgren Selim
Pasanen Mikko
Pasila-Tamminen Eeva
Pesonen Olavi
Piltti Lea
Pohjola Liisa
Pylkkänen Tauno
Pätynen Hannu
Raekallio Matti
Rautasalo Heikki
Romanowski Otto
Saarinen Mirjam
Similä Martti
Siren-Englund Maynie
Sola Väinö
Sonninen Ahti
Söderblom Ulf
Tuominen Pentti
Tuukkanen Kalervo
Vainio Aarre
Weneskoski Gerda
Weneskoski Ilmari
Weneskoski Jorma
Castrén-Kytömaa Elli
Grönberg Raimo
Karkjärvi Lasse
Karvinen Jani
Krohn Heidi
Kinnunen Heikki
Kytömaa Jaakko
Laukkarinen Antti
Long Esa-Matti
Luoma-Aho Pirjo
Peltola Sulevi
Pohjola-Siren Anja
Pulkka, Irina
Sveholm Asta
Vierikko Vesa
Ahlapuro Ossi
Aro Antti
Ahonen-Mäkelä Ritva
Aitto Anni
Alpo Pekka
Angerkoski Siiri
Fransman Stig
Groundstroem Niklas
Haarla Tyyne
Haavisto Helena
Hallberg Ulrika
Halme Kaarlo
Halonen Sakari
Halttunen Kaarlo
Haverinen Aino
Helovirta Kauko
Hytönen Hugo
Jännes Paavo
Jorma Hilja
Jurkka Emmi
Kahra Kalevi
Kandolin Juha
Kandolin Uljas
Kontula Martta
Korhonen Ossi
Kuuranne Leevi
Kuusla Irja
Laakso Rakel
Laakso Uuno
Lahti Toivo
Lahtinen Varma
Laine Eine
Leino Olga
Leppänen Kaisu
Litja Antti
Lyly Alice
Lähteenoja Mimmi
Manto Erja
Mäkelä Risto
Mäkelä Vesa
Närhinsalo Timo
Ortola-Palo Kirsti
Osa Aina
Osa Simo
Palo Tauno
Palo Pertti
Pulkkinen Roosa
Ranta-Helovirta Rauni
Reima Martta
Rinne Rosa
Rinne-Kahra Eila
Saarnio Elvi
Saarnio Kaarlo
Saastamoinen Thelma
Sala Oiva
Salin Holger
Sallinen Petteri
Salminen Kristo
Suonio Kirsti
Tuominen Heikki
Valkama Ritva
Wallin Lea
Wilen Lahja
Actress Eine Laine (1892-1970) moved around like she was on a stage with make up on, fully perfumed and dressed up. It was said about her that only one colleague and fellow Lallukka resident, Ossi Korhonen (1898-1976), used as much make up, perfume and powder as her. It was because Korhonen taught make-up at Theatre Academy Helsinki.
Juho and Maria Lallukka’s plans for the artists’ home were closely associated with their ideas for a refuge. The Board of Trustees of the Foundation decided that the best way to achieve the Lallukka’s vision was to establish an association for the residents of the completed Artists’ Home, Lallukan Taiteilijaklubi r.y (Lallukka Artists’ Club). The members of the club comprise all of the occupants of apartments at the Artists’ Home and their families, as well as the members of the Board of Trustees.
It was the golden age of central kitchen ideology in the Helsinki suburb of Etu-Töölö at the time of construction of the Artists’ Home building. Since the building would in any case require a central kitchen, it was decided that the kitchen would also be suitable for use as a restaurant. The club organised discussion and presentation meetings, social evenings and matinees. The Association applied for a club licence for the restaurant.
When the enthusiasm for central kitchens came to an end, the kitchens in each apartment were improved. However the club continued to serve meals to residents and workers in the building a few times per week until recent years.
Today the club operates as a communication channel between residents and the Foundation and it continues to organise traditional social evenings and events for the recreation of residents.
Elite, a restaurant situated close-by, has been an important place for many residents of Lallukka. Painter Helge Dahlman (1924-1979) had been wounded at the war and his hand had been amputated. One time there were three men walking Dahlman back from Elite to Lallukka. When the group was finally standing at the front door, one of the escorts had Dahlman’s hand prosthesis under his arm.

Are you planning an event and want to have a special venue for it? We wish walls could talk.
There is a banquet hall at Lallukka Artists’ Home with a high-level catering. The restaurant has been renovated recently and you can have a catering service up to 90 people from Vaudeville Catering. You can have parties, concerts and art functions as well as meetings at the banquet hall. Entrance to the banquet hall is not unobstructed.
If you wish to have smaller venue, there is Marinsali for up to 20 people. There have been meetings for condominiums and different types of societies. You can have service from Vaudeville Catering to Marinsali as well.
When Actor Tauno Palo (1908-1982) came back home from Elite at summer and he changed to his swim shorts and walked to the strand for a swim.
Juho and Maria Lalluka’s Artists’ Home Foundation
Apollonkatu 13
00100 Helsinki
saatio (a) lallukkasaatio.net
Business ID: 0221098-4
Board of Directors
Mikko Mikkola
mikko.mikkola (a) juramentum.fi
040 7591 590
Vice Chairman
Simo Freese
040 757 1277
simo.freese (a) freese.fi
Pertti Kukkonen (Sculptors)
Anitta Ruotsalainen (Painters and graphic artists)
Petri Liski (Dramatic artists)
Jussi Siirala (Compsers, singers and musicians)
Executive Secretary
Timo Turja
050 364 4911
saatio (a) lallukkasaatio.net
Property Manager
Juha Lunden
juha.lunden (a) ardour.fi
Jari Jula
050 326 7181
jari.jula (a) gmail.com
Lallukka Artists’ Club
Apollonkatu 13
00100 Helsinki
Eeva-Leena Pokela
050 3843 478
eevaleenapokela (a) gmail.com
Apollonkatu 13
00100 Helsinki
Vaudeville Catering Oy
Petteri Ehrnsten
050 1786
tilaukset (a) vaudeville.fi
Lallukan taiteilijakoti
Apollonkatu 13, 00100 Helsinki,
Eteläinen Hesperiankatu 14, 00100 Helsinki
Lallukka’s Artists’ Home
Apollonkatu 13, 00100 Helsinki,
Eteläinen Hesperiankatu 14, 00100 Helsinki